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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Us moms and our quest to be "supermom" is crazy. When did being a mom become about being the best anyway? When did being a mom become a race to the top?

And where is the top?

If I look around at my competitors I start to make a list of the qualities I must have to be supermom.

1) I must rise at dawn (or earlier) to grind my own wheat, milk the cows, and collect the eggs to make my bread from scratch.

2) I must homeschool my children with THE most popular (and possibly the most expensive) curriculum. (If I don't make up my own based on whatever I won a Nobel Peace Prize for in the days after I was in the Peace Corps!)

3) I must be fit and slim, run 5 miles each morning (before or after the cows?), and always brush my hair.

4) I must run my kids to every imaginable activity and they'll have to be the best.

5) I must never be angry or upset at my children. Instead I will pamper them and tell them how wonderful they are... because they won't be anything but wonderful. And they'll know their ABCs by age 2...

Ok, I HOPE you are laughing at these. Just about no one on this planet fits the bill. The things is: sometimes we make each other feel like we need to live up to this.

Or more accurately... we let ourselves feel unworthy because we don't match up with another human. We find something admirable in one person, and almost immediately it becomes a focal point of our inadequacies.

We torture ourselves with this thinking! And all around you, other moms are measuring themselves up to you! (Yes, really!)

It's not just moms that do it. At the workplace it happens. In every social scene, people are measuring each other up. But to what standard? Comparing people to people will never be fair.

Your value does not hinge on anyone but Jesus!

And He won't think any more or less of you based on what you accomplish here on earth. He wants your heart, not your whole-grain-organic-made-from-scratch bread!

Trade your cape for His clean, white robe. Trade your inadequacies for His Awesome Power. Trade your imagined accomplishments for His Glory. And just rest in His arms!

Who needs to be Supermom when you have the ultimate SuperDad!?

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