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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do you give love a bad name?

This thought crossed my mind and I immediately thought of the Bon Jovi song. Funny, yes... but what a good question.

Do you give love a bad name?

In other words...

Are you a good representative for Christ?

When people look at you, and watch you... do they see Jesus? Do they see love in action?

Christ is the visible representation of the invisible God, the Firstborn and Lord of all creation. Colossians 1:15

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. Ephesians 4:15

We are called to be like Jesus... who represents our Heavenly Father. The Bible is filled with ways that we can emulate his behaviors and live like Him.

So what happens when we don't?

Say it with me:


The people we share the message with are watching! And they don't look away when we fail. We look bad... but even worse... the King and Kingdom look bad!

I think we share the wrong message.

Too often we share something that is more like a fairytale or fantasy than the Truth. We paint pictures of flowers and dancing and instant perfection instead of the actual and factual. We feel the burden of "winning them over". And if we don't know the story ourselves, we can't believe it. And if we don't believe it... we won't live it.

Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. 1 Peter 5:3

For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. 1 Peter 2:21

The Truth is that He died, rose again, and made a way for us to get to Heaven. It's a free gift, no hoops to jump through, available to all mankind. Without His sacrifice we would NOT make it on our own.

The Truth is that you will have trials and troubles. The Truth is that accepting Jesus will not make your children love you, your ex-spouse come back, or your boss favor you. But Jesus understands that pain and mourns with you, hurts with you, and has good plans for you. The one who looks to steal your joy is the devil, not God.

The Truth is that it can be hard and diligent work, but it's always worth the effort. Every time you follow Jesus' teaching with a heart that is about being more like Him, you WILL BE BLESSED.

The Truth is that you may fail often, but Jesus will always take you back. We all struggle... and should remember that about each other.

The Truth is that it's a relationship thing. You and Jesus. One on one. And then that love is reverberated back into the world, and the more you get to know Jesus, the less you can help it. You don't have to change to go to church, come as you are... but I guarantee the Holy Spirit will work in your heart and you will begin to desire better than where you're at now. Even if you think where you're at right now isn't so bad.

The Truth is that those who refuse Him, deny Him, or ignore Him WILL not hang out with Him in Heaven when they die. That IS justice... justice has never been about letting people get away without consequence. There are no brownie points to cash in, no secret passwords, and no sins too big for Him to forgive.

The Truth is that no one else will ever love you like Jesus does and He is worthy of your love in return. He meant every word He said, and does not contradict Himself.

For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth. 2 Corinthians 13:8

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. John 17:17

So Jesus gave love a good name.

Do you?

Or do you misrepresent Him by catering to your listener? Do you sacrifice the details so as not to offend? Anything less than the Truth is not love. Lies give love a bad name. And they will figure it out later.

I am only going on my own experience and struggle. Maybe for some, a watered-down and false representation is good enough. But if you truly are loving the people you share the message with, as Jesus does, you'll share the truth. And if your heart truly feels for those who are not yet saved, you'll want to be accurate.

One of the saddest things you don't want to be responsible for is the soul of another person who has accepted a religion instead of beginning a relationship with Jesus.

Great... you shared the Gospel... according to who?

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