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Monday, August 9, 2010

Moments of revelation...

I don't get a lot of alone time with God. I hardly get any "alone" time at all... kind of hard with a big family. And, honestly, I find other things to do. But I miss it.

If you have a personal relationship with Jesus, if you get to KNOW Him... you can't help but miss it when you drift way from Him.

I encourage anyone to spend time with Jesus with the intention of getting to know Him better. You WILL be blessed.

God has revealed Himself to me in the most amazing ways! From things I see in my children, or even strangers... to soap bubbles... or nature... or the dirty water in my mop bucket. There are the little, intimate moments... and the moments that make you slap your forehead... and the times He sets your entire universe upside down and inside out.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8

I'm working on a pure heart, I want to see Jesus. Literally, face to face the way Paul and Thomas and Peter were able to. I want to rest in His arms... feel Him breathe next to me... hold His hand and hear His voice. I want to hear it the way I remember hearing my daddy's voice when I laid on his chest.

It is so amazing to look back and see where I was compared to where I am now. It didn't happen in a moment. Maybe for some people it does, but for me it was a little here and there. Moments of revelation. Moments of "wow" that turned my world upside-down.

When I was seeking God out, when I was completely turned to Him, when I have been desperate to know Him better... He has never let me down. He wants me to know Him better.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. Luke 12:31

So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. Romans 5:11

Some of my "biggest" revelations have been about my relationship with Jesus. I have to admit, I still find it hard to comprehend, but I'm glad to look at things differently than I did the first time I met Him. I've held many false beliefs about God.

The "far away God" theory.

The "God with a big stick" theory.

The "I'll never be good enough" and the "If I try hard enough..." theories.

The "He must be talking to her" theory.

The "maybe if I ignore Him, He'll go away" theory.

The "tell Him to buzz off, I can handle this on my own" theory.

It's not like any of those things! He's not far away. He doesn't have a big stick or lightning bolt waiting for me when I mess up. I can be good enough... I was worth dying for! It's not about trying hard, it's about being more like Him. He's reaching for ME and her! He's never going away... and I can't make it without Him.

In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. 1 John 4:17

It took me a while to realize that it was an actual relationship. Two-sided! We're supposed to be actively pursuing each other. Well, He's always held up His end of the bargain. I don't know about you, but God never lets up on my heart!

Me though... I slack off.

So glad He's waiting there, right where I left Him.

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