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Friday, July 9, 2010

What do you do when you want something?

I know what I want my answer to be... but I don't always do what I want. Even Paul struggled with that right? “I do the things I don’t want to do but the things I want to do those I don’t do” he said. I don't know about you, but I find great comfort in Paul's example. I mean, he's ***Paul*** of Jesus' best friends while He was actually physically on this earth. Wow. And he struggled. Wow.

Right now I am hopeful about something in particular and instead of falling on my knees to talk to my best friend about it, I worry, whine, feel anxious, and even get angry at the thought of not getting what I want. Why!? I really want to honestly say that my first instinct is to Praise God even when I don't get what I want when I want it. It should be my first thought right? I'm going to give me a break here... and say it takes training. And I haven't done the work. I've been spiritually lazy. I've done the work in other areas of my life, but ignored it here. I need to work on that feeling of entitlement that the world feeds us!

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (KJV)

4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

This is what I've used before with other mind struggles. And it's what I'm going to use again for this struggle. I want what I want very much... but even more I want to honor God and keep my relationship with Him solid! I teach it to my children too... when they have bad dreams, when they worry, when they are troubled with invasive thoughts, and when they get caught up in the world or tv shows or things like that.

When I utilize this verse I visualize it! In my mind I reach out, grab the thought (I picture them like black ribbons of smoke... sort of), clench it tightly in my fist. Then I throw it hard to the grown and picture myself stomping on it and crushing it with my feet. Visualization works wonders for me here... feels like something was actually accomplished. I'm not the kind of person who could just read that verse and feel better. (And I hope that's not "bad".)

Then I use another verse... because I feel like there's more to be done.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—-meditate on these things.
Philippians 4:8

So then I visualize with this verse too... I picture a pitcher (ha ha, that was funny!) pouring out water into a cup. Filling my brain with things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely...

...and then I begin to feel like things are better. Whining isn't from Jesus. Worry isn't from Jesus. Anxiety isn't from Jesus. Anger can be ok, but being angry at God for not getting what you want is childish. So I am going to work on casting down my whining, worry, anxiety, and anger. Crush them under my feet. And pour in pure and lovely thoughts!

I still will want what I want... but I will not let it consume my relationship with Jesus! For me, it takes diligence. (Which soooo goes against my short attention span!) Often I find myself thinking the same way even a few moments later. I have to repeat this over and over... but I know for the other things I've struggled with, it has helped tremendously. Some of the things I struggle with before... I don't any more... and some are still there, but less!

Praise Him for giving us tools to heal our selfish hearts. I am so glad my mind doesn't have to stay stuck where satan would like it to! Thanks Jesus...

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a fine example of "renewing of the mind". We have to put bad out and input good, thus thinking of pure, holy, thoughts and trying not to give into our selfish tendencies, which seem to come so naturally.
    We need to remember that, in Christ, we are new creations.
    We don't have to give in to these selfish ways.
    Praise God for salvation and the strength that is given us through Jesus.

    I constantly have to remind myself that my words and actions need to glorify God. It surely is a daily struggle, but there has been growth and for that I am eternally grateful.

    About wining, worrying, etc. I, too, am teaching my children to trust in God. At the same time, I am learning and reminding myself what is right.

    Example: My son freaked out last week when they had a tornado warning. Daddy was out of town and my daughter & son & I were home alone. I have to say that I felt a bit panicked because I thought if something happened....I needed to make decisions on what to do, because my husband wasn't here. I quickly (which hasn't always been the case) realized that we don't need to worry about what will happen to us, especially, if we are His. He is in control of all things and that includes my lttle itty-bitty existence :-)
    My Nathan soon calmed down, as well as myself, after I explained to him that God is in control and nothing will happen to us that He hasn't planned for us.
    I explained that we try to do what we know to do to keep safe, but then the rest is out of our control.
    It gives me so much comfort to know that God has it all taken care of. :-)

    Anyway....sorry to babble and I hope I made sense. :0)

    So glad you are sharing, Anna.
