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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

You don't even know....

Have you ever heard someone say that? When explaining their troubles or situation they say "You have no idea" or "You couldn't understand". What about the things they don't want to share? The troubles or sins that are TOO evil, too dirty, too disgusting to possibly say out loud. They say "I can't, that's just too bad to share".

I've said it. I'm sure when people say it they believe it. I believed it.

But thinking that your problems are so mysterious, or rare, or complex, or unbelievable is pride. Pride isn't always a lofty characteristic. Pride can be an attitude of independence from God or holding onto the things that separate you from God.

Think of this "terrible" sin you might be holding on to. You don't want to tell anyone, it's embarassing. You "hide" it from God. How could such a good God understand such a bad thing? We all know He knows any way, but we fear the confrontation. We hold on to our comfort or our good name. We want to spare ourselves the pain more than we want to get right with God! We aren't confident that when He said He'd forgive, He meant it. We lack faith in His amazing grace.

Or... we don't believe He can fix it. We doubt Him. I personally have said to God: "Ok, you want this part of me? Take it... but I'll just keep on messing up like I always have before". Well, I didn't really give "it" to Him did I? I held on to it because I was afraid He was going to take it... and fail me. Ouch. Forgive me for my unbelief!

It's one of those sneaky ways that satan tries to get in there. Seeking counsel from other believers is a wise thing to do. If you thought someone would understand you, you'd find someone to talk to about it right? And if you talked about it, maybe you'd be helped... or comforted. Or changed. Obviously good. Obviously not how the devil would like things to work out.

But God wants us to share those things with Him. Don't you get tired?

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

And share them with each other.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16

Not only did He tell us to share our junk with each other, He says it it will help!

I think we can all agree that a good ranting to a friend, or a nice cleansing cry on someone's shoulder does us a world of good. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that you can only share so much... don't buy into the lie that your "stuff" is beyond God's grace!

...But where sin increased, grace increased all the more. Romans 5:20

Our God is a BIG God. We can't shrink Him. Can't take His power away. Can't reduce His love. But we can refuse to let ourselves be changed by it. And I don't want to do that.

1 comment:

  1. So good, especially the part about our stuff being beyond God's grace. Sometimes we limit God by what we understand! Have you checked out my blog, come follow me, I would love your input!
