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Saturday, July 10, 2010

When I don't feel inspired...

Right now... I don't feel inspired. All the great ideas I had yesterday have left my brain. The didn't even leave a note to tell me where they were going.

And today I feel kinda low. Not depressed, really... just kind of like my heart is wandering in the desert. Like the Jews, I'm pretty sure this journey was a good idea when I left. But at this exact moment... I'm not feeling it.

So what do I do?

I'm going to praise Him anyway. At first... it feels kind of stiff and insincere. But if I keep going, I won't want to stop! I know, because I've tried it before. Praising God in the storms is goes against our flesh, but it is great therapy and I tell you: Do it and you WILL be blessed!

Thank You Jesus for my new house. Thank You that I can turn on the water and lights without fear for my life. Thank You that it's warm and dry. Thank You that there is room for everyone and everything I need here. Thank You for the yard which I prayed for. Thank You for the opportuniy to minister to the people around us.

I have to say... that feels a bit better, but was still kind of what I felt like I should say.

Thank You Jesus for my family and friends. Thank You for all the company we've had recently. Thank You for each one of my chldren. Thank You that you picked me to be their mom. Thank You for kisses and hugs. Thank You for the sweet things they say. Thank You for a husband who works harder than any man I know. Thank You that he adores me.

Kinda better...

Thank You Jesus for loving me. Thank You Jesus that there has been hundreds and hundreds of years of circumstances that came together just so I could be exactly who You want me to be.

Now I may be getting there...

Thank You Jesus for having good plans for me. Thank You Jesus for taking on all my junk, my stuff, sin. Thank you for taking it off of my shoulders. Thank You for saying I don't even have to pick it up again... ever. Thank You for forgiveness. Thank you that even MY sins can be forgiven... even mine that I am so ashamed of. Thank You for redemption, and that my worth is in You. Thank You for walking up that hill and dying for me. Thank You for taking the beating. Thank You for the nails in Your hands. Thank you for Your blood spilled out. Thank You for saving me from sure death. Thank You for giving me a way out. Thank You for loving me enough to die so that I could LIVE!

Wow... guess I went and got inspired.

And I could go on...

He is SO GOOD. ~Breathe in~ I'm alive... PRAISE JESUS. ~Feel my pulse~ Wouldn't be beating without God ordaining it! ~Look in the mirror~ I am made in His image! He put a lot of thought into me. I am worth dying for!

I sure didn't feel like it when I woke up... but I'm going to try to go on today with an attitude of praise.

Psalm 22:3

But You are holy, O You Who dwell in the praises of Israel.

If He dwells in our praises, what a great way to be near Him all day long!

Psalm 34:1-3

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My life makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble and afflicted hear and be glad.
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.


  1. Kind of like keeping a "Gratitude" journal. Constantly reminding yourself what you are thankful for helps your heart to be a "thankful heart" and helps you to continually praise Jesus for all He has done.
    Again, "a renewing of the mind" to think right thoughts and keep our focus on the Lord. :0)

  2. Oh, Anna! So beautiful! What a great way to start the day!

    Thank you :)
